Woman grasping her hand while experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms

Proactive strategies on how to prevent carpal tunnel.

Today, we're talking about something that might affect you: carpal tunnel syndrome. Whether you're glued to a keyboard, love crafting or just want your hands to feel good, this guide is for you.

We will break down what carpal tunnel is, share tips on preventing it and talk about straightforward solutions for those dealing with it.

Your hands do a lot for you, and we want to ensure they're in good shape.

What causes carpal tunnel?

What sets the stage for carpal tunnel syndrome? Let's explore the leading causes.

  • Repetitive hand movements. Engaging in repetitive tasks can contribute to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome. Whether typing away or involving yourself in activities requiring constant hand use, your consistent actions may play a role.
  • Prolonged awkward hand positions. Maintaining awkward hand positions for extended periods can increase pressure on the median nerve. This often happens when you keep your wrists flexed or extended during activities.
  • Health conditions and genetics. Conditions like arthritis, diabetes or thyroid disorders may elevate the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Workstation ergonomics. Your work environment matters. Poor ergonomics can lead to awkward hand postures and increased strain.
  • Pregnancy and hormonal changes. Pregnancy-related hormonal changes can lead to fluid retention, potentially affecting the carpal tunnel. This is a temporary cause, but it highlights the impact of hormonal fluctuations on hand health.


How to prevent carpal tunnel.

Let's talk prevention — your proactive toolkit against carpal tunnel. We'll share practical adjustments, work habits that won't wreck your hands, and lifestyle tweaks to keep carpal tunnel from appearing.

CityMD's got your back in building habits for hand well-being and how to prevent carpal tunnel.

  • Ergonomics. Your keyboard and mouse should be at a comfortable height, and your wrists should be in a neutral position.
  • Take breaks. Grant your hands regular breaks. Short, frequent pauses can do wonders. Shake out your wrists and incorporate gentle stretches — a small investment in your hand health.
  • Mindful movements: Minimize repetitive tasks, diversify your activities and give your hands mini-breaks.
  • Supportive tools. Consider ergonomic tools. Investing in a comfortable mouse and keyboard can significantly enhance your hand comfort.


Ways to treat carpal tunnel syndrome.

For those already acquainted with the nuances of carpal tunnel syndrome, here are some ways to find relief.

  • Wrist bracing. Wrist braces maintain your wrist in a neutral position, alleviating pressure on the median nerve and helping prevent injury.
  • Physical therapy. Sometimes, a touch of physical therapy can work wonders. Strengthening exercises and targeted stretches can help alleviate discomfort, providing a tailored workout for your hands.
  • Medication support. Over-the-counter pain relievers assist in managing inflammation, offering relief to your hands. CityMD can provide guidance on suitable options tailored to your needs.
  • Injections and surgeries. In more severe cases, injections or surgical interventions may be up for consideration.


Treat carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms with CityMD.

Your journey toward hand comfort and well-being is unique, and CityMD is here to provide the personalized care and solutions you deserve.

Whether you're safeguarding against the onset of carpal tunnel or seeking relief from its grasp, CityMD is your partner. Stop into your local CityMD urgent care today for relief.

Let's navigate these solutions together — because your hands, your comfort and your health are our priorities.

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